This is my new way to diplay my kid's art, and schedules. The fridge can only hold so much and I get tired of it looking cluttered. This ladder was my grandfather's. I bought metal clips, tied them to the rungs with ribbon. I hole puched the art that I want to put up and Whala! I think it turned out really cute.
Hey, thanks so much for visiting my blog! I intend on using this to post my latest craft/interior design ideas that I have been working on. I love thrify ways to make homes beautiful! And I love to figure out how to get expensive things cheap.
Hope you enjoy and have Fun!! God Bless.
Another fun and easy project
Fun and easy craft project
Easy furniture make-over
Madi's dresser
Window Frame
Quilt wall hanging
Diaper Cake
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Ladder memos
This is my new way to diplay my kid's art, and schedules. The fridge can only hold so much and I get tired of it looking cluttered. This ladder was my grandfather's. I bought metal clips, tied them to the rungs with ribbon. I hole puched the art that I want to put up and Whala! I think it turned out really cute.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Nature Letter Art
So I was out in Kearney Nebraska working at the Nebraska Youth Camp. My friends and I took pictures of things we found around the cmp ground that looked like letters. It was a lot of fun, kinda like a scavenger hunt. I brought them home, turned them to black and white then had them matted to make different words. Thought they turned out really good. Let me know if you like them!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Mason and Kade's room
Mason and Kade have a trundle bed. They had bunk beds, but it took up a lot of room so this has worked really weel, and I only have to make one bed in the morning! They also have their names in their rooms. I was going for a car/truch theme. I wanted a comforter that wasn't themed so if I ever change it, that is something that can stay. Matt made the train table, it has been used many hours. The boys are starting to outgrow it, they haven't used it much lately. Matt is ready to take it down, but I'm not quite ready to part with it. It was such a big part of the boy's lives the past few years, and I think Chase will play with it eventually.
Madelyn's bedroom
This past year Matt repainted and added most of the girly things while Madi's was out of town so he could suprise her when she got home. Before this she thought her room wasn't girly enough. The crystal chandelier my mother n law gave me, it was from a garage sale. I bought her three dressers from a family at church for $50. I found cute scrap book paper and decopauged the drawer fronts. I was so happy with the way they turned out. No one can beilieve it is paper on them! Each of the kids have their names I made with the wood letters above their beds.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Entry way and stair case
In the entry way we have a door knob coat hook. It gets used daily with kid's coats and backpacks. On the stair case there is a large mirror, I found for $5 at a garage sale. I also have a small shelf with each of my kid's coming home from the hospital outfits from when they were born hanging on it. There is an old window made a fram out of. I used salvaged tin from an old ceiling tile and cut out the size for the photo. The window I also picked up at a garage sale.
The office is Matt's cave. He loves Volkswagens and Hot wheels so that has become the theme. THe small book case was salvaged from Neb Youth Camp. I painted and distressed it. I love having an office space. I told Matt I would much rather have it than aother bedroom cause we spend som much more time in there than in the bedrooms.
The hardest to keep clean area is our kitchen. The kids are out and in so much from the back yard and since I stay home with them, we eat usually three meals a day in it. I love that we have an eating area and the light from the sliding glass door. There is a "Butlers pantry" between the living room and kitchen. In it is the fridgerater and a china cabinet. Also in the eating area is my work station. I love having all my craft and gift wrapping supplies easily accessable. I also have my own computer so Matt can be on his at the same time as me or the kids. I do most of my Ebay listings and social things from my computer. I love the character of old homes!
Living Room
We had swaped the living room and dining room when we first moved in. The dining room was so much bigger and more seating and since we hardly use the dining room, it just made since for our family. The white chair came from a garge sale for $10.00 I painted and distressed it. I covered the chair pads with an old quilt of my grandmothers. The frame that reads OGLE est.1999 I actually made last weekend. It was very easy and cost about $15.00 I bought a fram I liked then bought the rub on words they sell at Walmart or Hobby Lobby. It was a lot of fun, I may make one for a wedding gift one day. I love our window seat. It is great when we have guests and there is lots of storage underneath it.
Dining Room
We don't use the dining room too often, we eat in the kitchen so it really only gets used when we have guests. Matt keeps trying to get me to replace the table for a pool table.LOL, thats not going to happen! THe table and chairs was my parents. We used it growing up, my parents had five kids so we shared many meals at it. I painted it white and distressed it. In the corner is a panel with flowers in it. I found it at a garage sale and I have old suitcases stacked up in front of it. It looks nice and it's great storage for photo albums. I matted our wedding photo in a large wood frame I found at a garage sale for $5.00. I had to paint it white. The other coner is a small table which usually ends up being a place to empty our pockets when we get home, there is a white shelf hanging above it. In the shelf is wood letters that say OGLE. I bought the letters at Hobby Lobby, Walmart has them too. I decopauged them with scrap book paper.
front porch
We intend on painting the porch floor this summer, it's starting to get beat up. We spend a lot of time swing on the porch swing and The kids like to play cars out there. I like to leave the front door propped open to let the air in and watch the kids easier. Matt and I sometimes sit out there after the kids have gone to bed and watch thunderstorms and talk about our day.
THe bench and rocking chair are from a garage sale. The Welcome sign was on clearence at Hobby Lobby for $4.00.
Welcome to our home!
My home has become my pride and joy. It is our first home, we purchased it almost 7 years ago. It was built in 1920 so as you could imagine it was and still is a constant work in progress. Although it is not our dream home, we have put a lot of work into it and we have become pretty attatched to it. There is still a lot of work to be done, but it is something we enjoy taking our time on and making it not just another house, but our home. It is by far not perfect, but we love it and feel blessed that God has allowed us to have it. I never take it for granted, and love walking through the front door and realizing this is really mine. Some day when we move (and that will eventually happen, we are starting to out grow it) it will be hard because of the memories we have made. Anyway, hope you enjoy the little tour and ideas for cheap and fun decorating tips!!
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